Is Legit

Is Legit {June} Are You Going For Legit Site? -> This guide talks about the pros and cons of buying from an online apparel store for women.

Are you someone who never has anything to wear and feel the need to shop? Hop on. We are going to talk about an online website that sells the latest women apparel.The name of the site is Here, you will find dresses, shorts, trousers, tops, jackets, skirts, and more. If you are already excited to take a look and shop for the latest fashion, you are requested to hold your horses until we answer the question—Is Legit? is an online apparel store for women, and it consists of the handpicked collection. Women can look for the best apparel from the ful range of offerings. The company manages all its operations from the United States.

Women can subscribe to the newsletter present on the website to receive email and notifications regarding the latest trends and discounts on apparel. Let’s find out if you are at the right place to shop with our guide on Reviews.

Is Legit?

The website has everything to be a good website—and email to reach out to the customer service, company address, telephone number, social media icons, and error-free design. At first glance, you can’t help but fall for the colorful and designer apparel. However, after giving some time to the website, you will find that the site only accepts orders that are placed using PayPal.

This single payment offering of leads us to believe that the company hasn’t yet been registered. Besides this, the address mentioned on the website is a residential area. The answer to the question—Is Legit?—is that the website appears to be a scam. However, we can’t judge it as of yet, and we need to find out everything about it in detail to come to a definite conclusion.

What is has been formed with a noble intent to provide the latest fashion apparel to women while enhancing the lives of communities, artisans, weavers, craftsmen, and farmers. The company strives to target the communities from the developing countries that create authentic, beautiful, and timeless things.

The company offers coupons, which women can use to avail discounts for their shopping. The website consists of a search module that navigates women directly to the product that they wish to buy. Women can read complete information about the products. The site even has a size chart for every clothing, so that the apparel fits just right.

Specifications of

Let’s find out the specs of in detail.

  • Website Type: Online Apparel Store
  • Located At: United States
  • Shipping Time: Depends on Location
  • Shipping Fee: USD 4.99
  • Return and Refund: Within 15 Days
  • Social Media Channels: NA (Not Functional)
  • Payment Mode: PayPal
  • Company Company Address: 10 Glen Ave., Little Falls, NY 13365 United States
  • Company Phone:(239) 273-0624

Pros of Buying from

  • Women can get complete information about the clothing before they make a purchase.
  • Various sizes are available, which means even plus-sized women or minus-sized women can meet their expectations.
  • Women can have different views of the same dress to visualize how the dresses would look on them.
  • The website offers the catalog option; wherein women can purchase the catalog pieces.

Cons of Buying from

  • The website has social media icons. However, these icons redirect to one’s account page.
  • The site provides only one payment mode—PayPal.
  • The company address mentioned on the website is residential.
  • The shipping information has many ambiguities.

What Are People Saying About

The website was launched only a month back (as of writing), which means that the domain is ‘young’ in nature. Given the influence of the recent launch, the website does not have the required traction to its webpages.

We even thought of going through the social media pages to read about Reviews from customers. However, as mentioned earlier, the company does not have its presence on the social media pages. That explains the lack of customer reviews about

Final Verdict

Analyzing in detail, we found both—pluses and minuses of the website. Overall the site looks good. However, unfunctional social media icons, mention of residential address as the company address, and a single-mode of payment speaks otherwise.

Again, the website is only one month old, and maybe the owners of the site are still updating the information. However, as of now, the website does not look genuine. So, it is better to hold your shopping desires from this website at least for some time.

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